All right, I am growing weary of
hearing about it and
reading about it and you are too. Recession, deflation, slowing economy, credit crisis, global economic crisis, blah blah blah.
If we would all just spend some money and quit whining maybe, just maybe everything would improve. But just in case you take my advice and spend like the worlds economy depends on it, and things don't turn out as rosy as you would like, you can always count on an ass saving through
bankruptcy or a governmental bailout. So go ahead and spend, consume, or as Bush would like to call it stimulate, let's see what happens. As the saying goes "put your money where your mouth is" we will get this thing started off with me.
In order to, ah hum... self stimulate the economy, I vow to purchase the following or something similar, or nothing at all if La Jefa gets wind of any planned purchases:
1. A new hitch mount rack for my "Official Mountain Biking Use Only" vehicle.

Why yes, that is a Thule 916 - T2 on the ass end of my vehicle.
2. A Shimano M970 Crankset. Now this is the ultimate in consumerism. Why you ask? For two reasons, 1. I already own one on a geared bike, and B. I don't need two of the rings or the bottom bracket it comes with. (you'll find out why, keep reading)

Yes, I will be turning this carbon composite, titanium toothed, 7075 aluminum, piece of Sushi Engineering, into a SS crank. Actually, now that I think about it, I will not be using any of the rings. Huh. Extra points for extra consumption!
3. Given the fact I am buying the M970 Shimano Crank to use as a single speed, I have the opportunity to purchase a Blackspire Single Speed Ring.

This is where I earn the extra points for extra consumption.
4. In a double edged sword type effort to simultaneously bolster the economy and bling out the Tang Flavored
Niner, I have, in sloooooow, tortoise like transit from the Pacific Northwest, a color appropriate
Chris King Bottom Bracket.

Arguably the most interesting and anticipated component at
Interbike this year. And in spirit of the true grit that built America (consumerism), I have got to have one.
5. In order to spread the love beyond the bicycle retailing community, I will also one day soon, pawn "The Little Man" off on an able bodied grandparent and take La Jefa on an overnight jaunt to a
big city nearby. There it is almost certain that we will dine on scrumptious vegetarian food, sip fine wine, guzzle ale, and otherwise do our families part in stimulating this flaccid economy.
Now if everyone else will come up with at least five ways they can monetarily consume, and I mean over and beyond the required Christmas purchases, we, as pampered, selfish, lazy Americans can turn this whole GLOBAL ECONOMIC CRISIS around. I and the rest of the world thank you and every other "gotta have that" American.