I won't bore you with all of Paola's accolades, you can look that up for yourself if you are interested, but I would like to mention that she won gold in the first ever olympic mountain bike event.

Since Paola there really has not been a cross country female sex symbol. There have been some that are attractive and some that can really ride and are totally dedicated to the sport, but none have had it all put together like Paola, until now. Oh yeah, check out Ergon sponsored rider Irina Kalentieva.........

And this little Russian not only looks good.............

she can ride too................

One more pic of Irina for your approval..........

Click it and look close so you can see the ergon pack in the back ground. Great marketing Ergon!
Yes, this post is about cycling. both of these women are professional mountain bike racers for God's sake. They are as good for the sport as Lance, more fun than Lance and much more appealing. No offense Lance.
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