Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep! We interupt this marriage to bring you Fall MTBing!

What a beautiful day for a new president, the weather here could not be better. Considering the newness of the president and the beautiful, perfect mtbing weather I think I should go for a mid-week ride in the woods. It just so happens that one of my jobs is geographically positioned about 30 mins from one of my favorite places to ride in the woods, Sewanee, TN. Check out La Jefa riding the skinny, kinda reminds you of stunts in B.C. Well....maybe not.

Here is a tasty sample of Sewannee's smooth single track in the early spring.

Obligatory group photo from our early spring outing with the ladies.

Just so I don't have to go enjoy the riding all by myself I have persuaded "Wild Bill" to join me in truancy. Our plan is to meet in Scottsboro, about 11:00, start riding at 12:00, and begin drinking Fat Tire Amber Ale at Shenanigans at about 4:00. Sounds like a great afternoon of post election news fasting. Full report on the riding and extracurriculars tomorrow.

One last thing this morning. In the spirit of "Change" I have decided to ride the Big Squishy Geared Yeti today. Should be a fun, comfortable ride and a nice change from the hardtail, one geared Tang Flavored Niner.

Hasta manana.

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