Similar has been the case with my back pain. I have been seeing a Chiropractor for three years with some results when I really was hurting. However last March I injured my back again but not as bad, I just felt like it would just go away. It did go away and manifested itself into severe pain radiating down into my left buttock, hip, and calf. Damn if this didn't hurt. It was extremely uncomfortable to bend over, sit, stand or lay in bed certain ways (like the way that is the most comfortable for sleeping). About the only time it didn't hurt is when I was riding. Huh. Well if I can ride, I must be okay, just ignore it and it will go away like all of my other problems. It hasn't worked in the past but it will probably work this time. WRONG! It just actually got to the point where I couldn't sit in a car to drive, or sit anywhere for that matter, couldn't sleep, or walk and oh my God it got to where I was in so much pain on the left side of my body I couldn't ride. Well this spurred me to action. I went to an Orthopedic, received a diagnosis in 2.37 minutes (the Dr. was able to do this without any dialogue from me whatsoever) and a prescribed course of treatment. Not quite worthy of my BC/BS $30 co pay. Since this kinda pissed my off I chose to ignore his diagnosis and coarse of treatment as arrogant and not beneficial to my very important quest to kick ass as an aging, nearly bald, mid pack, single speed phenom.
So I went about in ignorant, but painful bliss. Until now. I just couldn't stand the pain or ignorance or I don't know what but I finally took action and got a MRI. the results, two heriniated dics, one as the doctor put it, is severe. See example below:

That very day the good doctor sent me to the hospital where a nurse made me wear a funny robe and put an I.V. in my arm. Eventually I was administered something that made me see double for a few minutes and then I came around and my mom was there staring at me. Thank God for mom. From what I have been told, I recieved an epidural injection of cortisone into the disc area of the spine which has made the pain almost go away. This doesn't fix the problem it just makes it go away for a while. But for now I am in a lot less pain.
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