Quit laughing. It's hard not to look like a retard (oh, sorry, mentally challenged individual) on a road bike when you are out of shape. Even harder when you are 40, out of shape, pasty white, and on a trainer in your basement.

As promised a full ride report:
Weather: Cloudy and 27'F Outside (inside lights on and 68'F)
Route: My basement.
Elevation gain (loss): 0 feet
Distance: The equivalent of 4.58 miles.
Duration: 0:21:51
Heart rate:
Max: 135
Avg: 125
Min: 100
EPOC Peak: 18 ml/kg
Training effect: 2
Hardly worth even strapping on the heart rate belt for that. Come to think of it, I don't know why I even changed out of my work clothes.
Everyone else is packing on the base miles with 3 to 5 hr rides in January and I am spinning for 20 minutes. Very different from years past, not that I made an attempt at base training or training at all, but at least I was riding a lot in January and February. Maybe this injury is a good thing and I needed this downtime to enable me start from scratch and build up a good base with a more directed approach. Blah, blah, blah. Really what this is, is a good excuse for my upcoming mediocre racing performance this year.
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