All right, enough with the life lessons. I did manage to squeeze in some riding while at the beach. It was hard to find the time with eating big breakfasts, then walking to the beach, afternoon beers followed by an evening of fried shrimp washed down with margaritas and topped off with an ice cream cone. I was sluggish to say the least on the 7:00AM rides but managed to log some hours. The beach where we stay has a ~30mile bike path that is not really a "bike path" but a thoroughfare for languid pedestrians, moms with two seater baby strollers and tweeners on beach cruisers. You really can't ride a road bike, or any real bike for that matter, on the "bike path" without endangering yours and other peoples lives. This bike path causes a lot of conflict with locals driving on the 35mph road because they believe you should be on the "bike path" and not on the two lane highway. This causes some serious user conflict and I was a target of more than one pissed off redneck. I can understand how they don't comprehend why we have to ride in the road but it shouldn't make them mad enough to want to fight about it. I was cursed at, threatened and had someone try to run me down like I had committed a crime against humanity while all I was doing was riding a bike at 20-25mph in a 35 mph zone. How big of a hurry can you be in not to have 15 seconds to go around a cyclist? Uh oh, I am almost back to the life lessons, on to cycling; for real this time.
Upon return to my half underground lair high atop Monte Sano Mountain I was destined for the quiet solitude of a mountain bike. So Sunday began my reverse taper training for SERC at Raccoon Mountain next Sunday. I am going to pile on the hours this week and if I have to race tired so be it. I am really working toward a different goal with another stepping stone along the way. We will see what happens to foil my well thought out plan.
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