Becky won the Moots! You know Becky, the faster half the dynamic mountain biking duo known as Becky and Rich from Charlotte, NC. They even stayed with La Jefa, the Little Man and I the night before the event (I refuse to call what transpired at DSG this year a race. You can't get too much closer than that. It was a well deserved win for Becky and I am happy that she won the frame.........maybe something good will happen to me because of it. I have not given up on something positive coming out of the misery that was DSG this year. Okay enough about Dirt, Sweat and Gears, I am going to put it out of my mind, if I can.
Some changes were made on the Niner for this season of racing. The first change has been aimed at improving the drive train of this bike. The old Niner EBB just hasn't performed like it should so Niner designed a new 'Clam Shell Type' EBB.

It is new and more expensive so naturally I had to have one.
Also new and more expensive and previously discussed and desired on this very blog is the new Chris King BB.

I had to have one of those also.
Now all I needed was a crank,

and some rings.

File photo, I actually installed a 20T.
Joining all of these parts proved to be more than a two beer task like I had originally estimated. After three beers I became more patient and learned yet again to not only read the manufacturers instructions but to follow them as well.
Performance review to follow later this week. Oh yeah, Bump n Grind pre race report will be out this week also.
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